onsdag 2 maj 2007

En tår över ryska tår!

Den svenske ambassadörens bil körde över en rysk polistå! Detta upprör den ryske ambassadören i Stockholm. Att den svenske ambassadörens bil blev vandaliserad av ryska regeringstrogna demonstranter föranleder inget beklagande från denne man som lever upp till det maktfullkomliga ideal som tronar på minnen från fornstora sovjetiska dagar. Tvärtom hutar han åt den svenske ambassadören som var så dum att han trodde att han oantastad skulle kunna ta sig till ett fredligt grannlands ambassad.

Detta är givetvis mer än upprörande! Det vore kanske dags att skicka hem denne ambassadör från Stockholm eftersom han fullständigt saknar respekt för grundläggande diplomatiska och demokratiska spelregler. Ryssland skall bestämma över såväl estniska monument som svenska ambassadörer! Den som vågar ifrågasätta detta får skylla sig själv.

Låt oss hoppas att EU kan visa en enad front mot dessa ryska övergrepp. Tyvärr finns det en risk för att vänsterns nostalgiska känslor för den ryska varianten av verklighetsbeskrivning gör att det blir svårare att ena de demokratiska krafterna i EU. De gamla vanliga gnällvisorna om förtryckta ryssar i Baltikum dammas av. Men om de nu verkligen är så förtryckta, varför återvänder de inte till Putins paradis?


4 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Here are some interesting facts about Estonia:

Most wanted Nazi war criminals
10b. Harry Mannil
Arrested Jews and Communists who were then executed by Nazis and Estonian collaborators
Status: Cleared by investigation in Estonia

10a. Algimantas Dailide
Arrested Jews who were then murdered by Nazis and Lithuanian collaborators
Status: Deported from US; convicted by Lithuania, which has hereto refused to implement his sentence of imprisonment

Not a single Estonian citizen who participated in the persecution and/or murder of Jews during WWII has been brought to trial by the Estonians, despite the existence of abundant incriminatory evidence in at least two cases submitted in recent years.

A monument to an Estonian “Freedom Fighter” had been unveiled in a small town Lihula in Western Estonia. It showed a soldier in a German uniform with a Waffen-SS (combat SS) unit emblem, wearing a steel helmet and holding a machine gun.

So, what one should think about all this?

1. Thousands of estonians were voluntarily serving in Hitler’s Waffen-SS troops where they exterminated Jews, Gipsies, Russians, Belarusans, Ukrainians, and other “untermenschen” in death camps.

2. No one Estonian was brought to trial for war crimes after Estonia had become independent. Moreover, Estonia protects even most wanted Nazi criminals identified by Holocaust organizations.

3. Estonia officially glorifies its Waffen-SS “freedom fighters” by setting up monuments to them. Meanwhile, Estonia destroys memorials to Soviet soldiers, who won Hitler's fascism.

4. Currently Estonia practice massive ethnic discrimination of the same Russians, Belarusans, Ukrainians and other “untermenschen”.

You don’t have to be a detective to make a judgement: Estonia is a typical Nazi state that is proud of taking a part in the Hitler's fascist project and Holocaust during WW2 and doing its best to implement the most "interesting" Nazi policies today. And if there was not just one million Estonian population, but 100 million of them with enough weapon, you can bet there would be another Holocaust in Europe already.

Estonia officially glorifies Estonian legionnaires of Hitler’s SS forces (20th Waffen-SS Division). Those Estonian SS forces were involved in exterminating Jewish people in fascist death camps in Estonia during World War Two.
In July 2003 the Estonian resort of Pyarnu is considering putting up another monument to the Estonian SS troops that served in the Nazi army in WWII.
After a few days, however, the bas-relief was dismantled and sent to the Town Hall for safekeeping and the sculptor was asked to make a few improvements or change it altogether. The town fathers had suddenly realized that a tourist center that attracts many Europeans is not the place for a tribute to Hitler’s SS forces.
Yet one year later the Mayor of Pyarnu, Vyaino Halikmyae, has announced that a round table will discuss the project for a new monument to Estonia’s SS division of World War II.
At the present time, the situation turns for the worse.
Estonia practices apartheid against ethnic Russians - children of those people, who saved millions of Europeans of fascism and death, were being killed in the battle with German Nazis.
All this happened right in the middle of EU and all the Europeans and Americans applaud Estonia. I just want to remind all of you a well known German priest Heinrich Himmler’s phrase about fascists: “At first time they came for Jews.”

Anonym sa...

Sverige har två usla svenska representanter på UD. Bildt och ambassadören som gav sig iväg för att gulla med Estlands ambassadör trots att han varnats av polisen. De har väl telefoner även i Moskva.
När Bildt blir trängd hänvisar han enbart till lagen. Det hade varit klokare att visa att han hade förståelse för alla de ryssar som i decennier firat slutet av WW2 vid statyn´i Tallin. Tycker magistern att det nu är bäst med utegångsförbud den 9:e maj eller att hänvisa firandet till en kyrkogård?

Anonym sa...

Beror på festens omfattning.
Statyn i sig har ett mer historiskt värde, och är ett monument som samlar blommor och ljus under 8-9 maj. Ser inget fel i att man gör det på en kyrkogård istället. Saken är den, att det är upp till Estland att göra vad de vill med monumentet. Den ryska minioriteten tycker annorlunda, och det blir problem. Estarna gör helt rätt, 50 år är alldeles lagom för att en "befrielse" process skall kunna avslutas.

magister nyman sa...

It might of course be true that Estonia has failed to convict some Nazi war criminals. However, Estonia is not responsible for what the Lithuanians have done. As for the monument in Lihula, the government ordered it to be removed.
It is also a fact that the so called "fascist" Estonian republic between the World Wars granted the Jewish people cultural authonomy.

The Soviet occupation of Estonia lasted for such a long a time and led to such a widespread oppression that war crimes during the short German period might have been overlooked. But the people who committed atrocities during the communist era have not been punished either.

I think looking ahead is most important for the people in Estonia, Estonians as well as Russians, Jews, Ukrainians etc.

Vad gäller Eriks kommentar så är den märklig. Ryska poliser brukar vara bra på att hålla koll på regeringskritiska demonstranter, men om de stödjer Putins imperialistpolitik så får de hållas och till och med angripa ambassadörer.

Med Anton instämmer jag till fullo.


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